Waiheke Island Choral Society Inc.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Held on 13th March 2007

In the Palm Beach Hall

Meeting Opened at 7.40 pm.

Present: Jeanne Mellamphy in the Chair and 24 members.

Apologies were received from Kit Nelson, Eileen Boghurst, Andy Spence, Mary Melville, Alison Edwards, Mike Karetai. Sustained on the motion of Jack Watson

Minutes of the last AGM and the ensuing Special AGM to amend the Constitution were read and confirmed unanimously on the motion of the Chair. There was no business arising.

Reports: President’s (Jeanne Mellamphy, copy attached), Financial (Treasurer, Mark James). Financial Statement attached. Mark commented that, although there was an overall loss of $561.00 for the year, this was a better result than the Committee had expected. Subscriptions were up, there were some generous donations, Creative Communities had contributed $600.00 towards “Iolanthe,” and several invoices in connection with that production had been mysteriously settled—we believe by Weir’s Funeral Services! Mark mentioned two points regarding ticket sales for “Iolanthe:”

  1. That Choral Society members are the most efficient ticket sellers and

  2. That the cancellation of the opening performance in Rocky Bay, although there were sound reasons for it, had cost us dearly in terms of subsequent ticket sales.

Musical Director’s Report was given verbally by Richard Melville. He began by thanking all Choir members for coming so faithfully to rehearsals. The Society had enjoyed a busy year. “Mainly Mozart” had been a long time in rehearsal, but this resulted in a very successful concert. “Iolanthe” went well, and was really enjoyed by all who took part. Richard made special mention of Brenda Vale’s clever “Waihekeising” of the script.

Richard gave his thanks to the Committee for their support, mentioning Jeanne’s fine work as President (she also produces the newsletter), Secretary Jack Watson, Treasurer Mark James, Marie Watson (who provides a light meal for the Committee on meeting nights), and also thanked Kit Nelson for continuing the very active support she has given for so many years.

Richard commented that the Choir and the Island have changed. Audiences are harder to get, as we are competing with events every weekend (many of them professional) and we have to do really well to compete. Our challenge for the future is to make everything top-notch to attract our audiences. Hence the project to stage “The King and I.” 2007 will be a challenging year.

Richard concluded by giving “the biggest thank you to the Choir—it is just like a family.” (acclamation)

All three reports were received en bloc, to further acclamation.

Subscriptions are now due. They are set by the Committee, and ordinary members will continue at $30.00 p.a. for the coming year. The Treasurer asks that they be placed in an envelope with the member’s name on it, or alternatively, they can be paid on line, with some identification.

Election of Officers:

President: Jack Watson, proposed by Jeanne Mellamphy, seconded by Pat Atkin.

As there were no further nominations, Jack was elected unopposed.

Secretary: Anne Jocelyn, proposed by Jack Watson, seconded Janis McCartain. Anne

was also elected unopposed, as there were no further nominations.

Treasurer: Mark James, and Stan Edwards to be Acting Treasurer while Mark is overseas. Proposed by Janis McCartain, seconded by Dee Austring.

Again, no further nominations, so elected unopposed.

Committee members:

Jeanne Mellamphy

Marie Watson

Pat Atkin

Andy Spence

Maya Spence

Ann Sutton

Barbara Cuff

Jeanne moved from the Chair that nominations close, resulting in the above members being elected en bloc. Carried.

Auditors: Harrop and Hargreave. Nominated by Mark, seconded by Janis and carried.

Patron: George Hudson was nominated in absentia by Jeanne Mellamphy. This was carried by the meeting. The Secretary is to write to George asking if he is prepared to continue taking this interest in the Choral Society, although he is about to move off the Island.

The Meeting closed at 8.20 pm, with acclamation for Jeanne, the retiring President.
