MINUTES OF Special General Meeting held 7pm, 18th June 2024 at Waiheke Musical Museum



None recorded.


Anne Willmann, Willi Willmann, Maya Spence,  Andy Spence, Mark James,

Dee Austring, Pam Manktelow, Mary Batten, Ann Jocelyn, Christine Beardon, Terry McMahon, Soona Brown, Carolyn Smart, Gavin Smart, Joan Kirk, Frances Salt, Gerda Gorgner, Sylvia Hubbard, Norma Cross, Adrienne Wigmore, Robyn du Chateau, Vicki Jayne, Keith Lewis.


Reason for Special General Meeting 

The government’s Companies Office has rejected our newly-amended Choral Society constitution that was agreed to at our recent AGM for 3 reasons:

1.     Our newly-amended constitution no longer had a clause relating to our seal.   It is true that the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 explicitly did away with the requirement to have a seal, let alone mention it in the constitution (hence why we removed it).   However, until we re-register under the new Act, we are still subject to the terms of the old Incorporated Societies Act 1908, which requires the seal.  Hence we must restore the clause required by the 1908 Act before we can re-register under the 2022 Act.

2.     The newly-amended constitution was not signed by three members of the Society.

3.     The official name of the society,”The Waiheke Island Choral Society (Incorporated)”, needs to have the parentheses removed.


Motions to amend recently amended constitution 

The following motions were presented:

1.     To restore the following clause:


12. SEAL.  The Committee shall provide a Seal for use by the Society which shall be a circular seal bearing the words “The Common Seal of the Waiheke Island Choral Society Incorporated”.  The Seal shall not be affixed to any document except by resolution of the Committee and in the presence of two members of such Committee and of the Secretary.   The Seal shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary.


Moved by Dee, seconded by Gerda, all agreed – passed.


2.     To amend the name of the society by removing the parentheses around “Incorporated”.


Moved by Adrienne, seconded by Ann, all agreed – passed.


Signing of re-amended constitution: 

A copy of the re-amended constitution was duly signed by Sylvia (as President), Gavin (as Secretary) and Mark (as Treasurer).



Meeting closed 7.06pm and the choir got on with rehearsing for our next Potpourri concert.