Minutes of Waiheke Choral Society Committee meeting 7pm Monday 27th May 2024, held at Anne Willmann’s home.


Present: Sylvia, Joan, Sandra, Anne, Gavin, Mark

Apologies: None.


Minutes of last meeting held Monday 8th April 2024 taken as read and true record (with clarification that Sandra would be happy to help lead the choir during 2nd half of 2024 didn’t mean leading the whole of 2nd half).


Matters Arising:

1.      Richard’s music:   Sylvia found out all the music has been dumped.  Joan has copy of the choir’s history.

2.      Back risers at future concerts (ie, Rocky Bay and St Peters):  Willi has made 3 individual risers, Anne to ask if he could make 4 more.

3.      Resignations and appointments:   Mark has updated WCS website with changes made at AGM.

4.      Ex-officio and Life members:  Mark confirmed there are currently no ex-officio members and 3 life members (Dee Austring, Mary Melville and Eileen Boghurst).

5.      Signatories to the society bank accounts:  Mark confirmed currently just Mark and Susan – could do with another given Susan is currently not residing on WH.

6.      Charities Commission updates:  Mark confirmed no outstanding issues with Charities Commission other than (new) president details still to be updated, and no fee required.   New constitution that was agreed at last AGM has been forwarded but confirmation of acceptance has not yet been received back.

7.      2024 Concerts: see General Business below.

8.      Future plans - 2025 and beyond:  Sylvia has made enquires re practice conductors for next year, will chase up further.   Could start practicing songs in 2nd half of this year that could be used next year.


Financial Report:  Mark tabled report of accounts and financial statement since 1 Jan 2024.

·         Only 14 people have paid their subs so far this year – Sylvia to get Dee to send reminder email to everyone.

·         Anne passed on to Mark receipts for biscuits (for tea breaks) and flowers (for Maya).


General Business:

1.      2024 Mid-year Potpouri Concerts:

a.      Posters:

                                                  i.      Joan to send electronic copy of poster to committee members for final checking before sending to Dee for distribution to choir members via email.

                                                 ii.      Discussed who could put up posters where, aiming to put them up by 17th June.

                                               iii.      Mark will do Gulf News item/ad.

b.      Tickets

                                                  i.      Joan can print smaller versions of the posters on coloured paper as tickets (orange for one concert, yellow for the other).

                                                 ii.      Joan can sell tickets at Rocky Bay Hall on Thrusdays, 1pm-4pm.

                                               iii.      Sylvia can provide an EFTPOS machine for door sales on concert days.

c.       Program:

                                                  i.      Anne tabled draft program including last 2 verses on back page of 2 songs for audience to join in and sing along to, which everyone thought great.

                                                 ii.      Still question mark re guest artist midway through each concert to give choir a break.  Anne suggested Chris Orange, Mark suggested OSB (Mark to raise with them), Joan to contact Ariana (Mark to find and pass on her email address to Joan.   Mary Melville also suggested.  Note: Anne stipulated that any quest artist could not sing along with choir unless they attended some practices beforehand. 

                                               iii.      Joan to add portrait to front of program, including “WCS”.

d.      Dress:  Agreed solid colour tops (no ties/scarves), black bottoms.  WCS members who are OSB members can be white top as per OSB dress code should the OSB be the guest artist.

e.      Rocky Bay Hall (Saturday 6th July 7pm):

                                                  i.      Mark can get keys for hall few days before.

                                                 ii.      Mark/Joan to discuss/confirm with Dave Malan how they want to set audience up (tables?/chairs), what they want to use funds raised for, provision of any supper/refreshments (and by whom), promote and sell tickets, etc.

f.        St Peters (Sunday 7th July 2pm):

                                                  i.      Sylvia to check if the St Peters electric piano has been fixed (several keys went faulty during last year’s Christmas concert).

                                                 ii.      Sylvia to arrange access/keys to St Peters, so as to be able to open by 12:45pm to set up chairs, etc.

                                               iii.      Confirmed no overhead projector required.

                                               iv.      Mark to arrange $100 donation to St Peters for use of auditorium.

                                                 v.      Choir members to bring a plate for after-concert refreshments.

2.      Mid-year Break:   Agreed choir to have break from practices after mid-year concert during school holidays, reconvening again on Tuesday 23 July to start practices again for 2nd half year.

3.      Christmas Concert:

a.      Still to organise details later.

b.      Anne tabled list of songs that choir could sing (not including the sing-along charols), aiming to get music for before end of June.   Mark to see if he can find/produce copy of music for “Laudate Dominium” in key of D.

4.      Possible additional 2024 short performance:  Mark mentioned about a suggestion that has been made that WCS and other choirs combine to join with Tom French in the singing of “Waiheke my home”, possibly recorded for Youtube.

5.      PO Box keys:  Mark confirmed he has returned these to NZ Post.  Gavin is now receiving WCS mail.

6.      Next Meeting:  7pm Monday 10th June at Anne’s place.


Meeting closed at 8:25pm.