Minutes of Waiheke Choral Society Committee meeting Sunday 29th October 2023, held at Anne Willmann’s home.


Meeting started 2:29pm

Present: Maya, Andy, Joan, Sandra, Mark, Anne, Gavin

Apologies: N/A


Minutes of last meeting held Tuesday 27th June 2023 taken as read and true record.


Matters arising from Minutes of last meeting:

·         n/a


Christmas ConcertVerified to be koha entry, with proceeds to WH Budgeting Services.

·         Poster:  Maya tabled current draft poster.  Following tweaks to be made:

o   List of composers - delete Brahms, Beethoven, add Handel.

o   Add year 2023.

o   Reword “tea coffee and snacks after the concert” so on just one line, with “All Welcome” separately on next line.

o   Agreed only 1 x A2 laminated poster required (for roundabout at Matiatia).

o   15 A4 copies to be printed by Nicky and some laminated by Andy for:

CAB (Anne)

Oneroa 4 Square (Gavin)

Anglican Church (A&M)

Rocky Bay Hall (Mark)

RSA (Joan)

St Peters (Maya)

Rocky Bay Store (Mark)

Village (Joan)

Onetangi 4 Square (A&M)

Palm Beach Hall (Maya)

St Pauls (Gavin)

Ostend Pharmacy


Artworks & Library

Oneroa Pharmacy

o   Maya to email poster file to all members, Gavin to print bunch of A5 copies.

o   Mark to forward poster file to “What’s On” and Gulf News.

·         Gulf News article: Mark to write an article which hopefully Gulf News will use.

·         Waiheke Radio:  Mark to advise Chris Walker.

·         Printed Programme:  Agreed none required.

·         Projected song words: Agreed to have words for sing-along songs on screen.   Anne to make up file, Gavin to provide projector (from St Pauls) and screen, and organise someone to man projector.

·         Choir Dress: Agreed solid happy bright colour for tops (not patterned), black bottoms.

·         After concert refreshments:  All choir members to bring finger food.

·         Extra Rehearsals:  None envisaged to be required at this stage.

·         Gifts:  Anne said she felt uneasy about receiving gift at end of concert as that reduces proceeds to pass on to concert beneficiary, would be quite happy for just small bunch of flowers.    Gavin advised Carolyn would be happy with just that as well.

·         Concert format:  Anne suggested alternating between choir and audience singing throughout concert.  Agreed good idea.

·         Additional Songs:  Anne said a couple more songs are needed to fill out the time, and suggested “A Babe is Born” and Shepherds Pipe Carol”, both of which we have done before and therefore easy to pick up at this late stage – Gavin to photocopy copies for choir for Tues night.   Sandra suggested “Christmas Lalaby” – Sandra to send youtube link to Anne.   Sandra also suggested a longer arrangement of “Night of Silence” that she had heard whereby the men sing their ‘Silent Night’ portion by themselves in the middle before singing in conjunction with the S/A parts.


Christmas PartySaturday 9th Dec, Onetangi Hall booked 4pm – 10pm.

·         Decorations:  Maya can pick up decorations. Sandra, Joan, Mark (with his brother) offered to help Andy and Maya to set up.

·         Ham: Andy will get and cook a smaller ham.

·         Music Word Sheets for sing-along:  Maya will see if any in Susan’s stuff.

·         Secret Santa Presy’s: Each person to bring a presy.  Andy suggested Mark to be Santa.

·         Food: Members to bring main or dessert to share (not nibbles).

·         Washing of tablecloths: Maya would appreciate others sharing washing of table cloths afterwards.  Would be approx. 10.   Joan said she will check out getting them done at the laundromat.



Financial Report:

·         Mark tabled financial report for CYTD 2023, showing overall operating loss of just $134.30 for the year so far.

·         Noted not all members have paid their membership fees.


General Business:

·         Remainder of WCS stuff stored at Anne’s place:  Maya will collect this week.

·         WCS Cups:  Agreed will be donated to Whitakers.

·         WCS formal postal address:  Mark raised the point that legally the WCS must have a postal address and that at a previous meeting we had agreed to cancel our P.O. Box (to save the annual fee of $205).   Gavin suggested his address (34 Tiri Road, Oneroa, Waiheke Is, Auckland 1081) as he is secretary, agreed.

·         Choir at farewell for Fiona (Librarian):  Maya said thanks to Anne for conducting the choir at Fiona’s farewell, which went well.



Meeting closed at 3:28pm, followed by shared afternoon tea.