Minutes of Waiheke Choral Society Committee meeting Tuesday 23rd May 2023, held at Anne Willmann’s home.
Meeting started 5:30pm
Present: Maya, Andy, Joan, Sandra, Mark, Anne, Gavin
Apologies: N/A
Matters arising from Minutes of last meeting held 29th March 2023 at Anne’s home:
· Advertising:
- Mark will put ad in Gulf News week before concerts.
- Mark will arrange for Anne to have interview, which should be published week before Gulf News ad is published.
- Anne asked for advice how to promote concert in the interview, discussed.
- Andy will re-do FaceBook item.
- Suggested we hold a Flash-mob on Wed 21st June at Matiatia at 5:30pm. Maya to ask for show of hands at tonight’s practice as to who would be willing/able to participate. (Subsequent note: only a few hands at following practice were raised, so idea canned).
· Poster for June Concert:
- Missing contact details and venues sorted.
- Copies have been put up at various places around the island.
· Charging entry fee at St Peters:
- Confirmed ok to charge concert entry fee in St Peters.
· Extra rehearsals:
- Anne hasn’t thought them necessary in the past, see closer to time if needed.
· Christmas Concert:
- Decided not to set Christmas Concert date yet.
· Sheet Music:
- Gavin has taken over looking after copies of sheet music.
Other concert details:
· Program:
- Agreed would make a program, A4 folded.
- Won’t have list of choir members
- Copy of poster on front, program list of songs, include words of the “Te Ara Hura” song.
- Andy to make/print, 150 copies, Anne to proof read draft copy.
General Business:
· Tea/Coffee breaks:
Ann “sacked” ( ) by Andy for forgetting to bring milk
several times.
- Andy and Maya are bringing milk now, and Joan will organise UHT packets for when they forget or are not there.
· Mid-winter party:
- Numbers bit low to warrant hiring Onetangi Hall for a party.
- Anne very kindly offered to have a pot-luck dinner at her home instead, which was enthusiastically accepted.
- Decided to have Tues 27th June (after concert, instead of a practice), 6pm.
- Choir members to be told not to bring “nibbles”.
· Mid-winter break:
- Dates to consider/work around:
o June 10th is Anne&Willi’s 45th wedding anniversary
o 15th July is Andy’s Birthday
o Andy & Maya away all of August.
o School holidays 1st 2 weeks of July
o Anne & Willi away most of July and last 2 weeks in August
- Maya to do show of hands at next practice as to how many would prefer a 2 month break compared to a short break over school holidays followed by informal practices led by Mark when Anne is away.
· Car-pooling to/from practices:
- Maya to ask choir members if anyone needs a ride to get to/from practices.
· Updated Members List:
- Maya has asked Dee for an updated members list.
Financial Report:
· Income: Only income this year is subs, with 39 paid-up members. Maya asked Mark to send Dee the list of fully paid-up members to make sure her members list is complete.
· Expenses:
- Reviewer (for first time due to new reviewer).
- Whittakers Hall hire
- Po Box Annual fee: paid through to March’24, agreed to not renew it next year.
Meeting closed at 6:20pm