Minutes of Waiheke Choral Society 09 June 2020

Held: via Zoom – started 07:30

Present: Gavin Smart, Richard Melville, Mark James, Nicolas Herren and Susan Triggs.

Apologies: none

General Business

  1. We are now in Level one and choir can legally start singing again.😊

  1. When do we want to re-start practices?

Gavin suggested we start practise on 16th June 19:00 - Agreed

  1. The AGM: will be held at the start of the meeting followed by some singing and a cup of tea and biscuits. Gavin to buy paper cups, Nick to bring the milk and sugar.

  1. Contact tracing. We will have contact tracing and Richard will bring an official form for us to complete.

  1. Notify choir: Gavin will send an email to the choir to let them know that practices will begin again and include a copy of the minutes of the last AGM.

  1. Venue: Mark will confirm with the museum committee that the museum is ready to be opened.

  1. Note: As discussed at the last meeting we still plan to hold the previous planned concerts at end of year. The likely weekends for the concert are October 10/11 and 17/18.

We will then look to having a Carols in the Church in December.


  1. Next Meeting: 30 June after choir

Meeting ended: 20:00