Minutes of meeting held Sunday 12th Dec. 2010 at Mark James Residence, Rocky Bay.

The meeting commenced at 4.45pm

Present: Andy, Maya, Jeanne, Janet, Seth, Richard, Mark, Lyn and Marion

Apologies: Dee

Minutes of the previous meeting Nov 2nd were taken as read, there were no matters arising.


Postage for return of material to Hal Leonard $98.50

After show party refreshments $159 44

Whangarei Costume hire $80.00

Top up for Gift from choir members $91.00

Mozart Ads. Gulf News $82.80

Market Place $103.50

Christmas party supplies $51.00

Ham $63.80

Hall hire $ 75.00


Next Year:

Richard would like to concentrate on the choir side of things. He is happy to be there to advise, but suggests that we need to give others the experience of directing the show.

Fiddler on the Roof was agreed to be the show of choice this year.

Andy to check on the rights.

We need to have Waiheke aware that that is what we plan to do, and call for auditions.

Andy would like to direct .Ann Wilman and Chris Orange were other suggestions.


2 performances, 16 and 17th April.

St Peter’s may be having building work done.

Seth to enquire in the New Year about the suitability/ availability of the High School Hall

This would free us to charge an entry, and collect some needed revenue.


Benjamin Brittain “Festival of Carols”and“St. Nicolas Cantata” or a Bach Cantata


Sahara Adams has been involved in a number of WCS productions. She is at present undergoing treatment for leukaemia.

Money from the Christmas Concert donations(if any, after costs for soloists have been paid) to go to the Adams collection.

Seth / Maya

Maya suggested making a collection and sending a card .

An e .mail to go to members advising that a collection will be made for Sahara at the Christmas party.

Thanks to Mark and Marine for their generous hospitality.

Meeting closed at 5.45pm