Waiheke Island Choral Society Inc.

Minutes of Committee meeting held at Whittakers

Tues. 23rdMarch 2010.

Meeting opened at 6.05pm.

Present: Philip, Jeanne, Marion, Judy, Janet, Dee, Maya, Andy, Seth and Richard.

Apologies: Mark

Minutes: of meeting held on 23rd Feb. were taken as read, and accepted.

Matters arising: There were no matters arising.


Outwards:Philip wrote in support of the Artworks Theatre’s application for a grant from ASB Trust

Inwards: NZCF Quarterly newsletter

Finance:We have a bank balance of $22,798.00

Accounts for payment: Reimburse Marion for freight for costumes $118.13

Annual rental for PO Box $135.00

Jeanne / Andy

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum:

Richard reported that we have a show underway with a rehearsal schedule distributed to all involved.

Robert Wiremu to be asked to record practice CD’s for the cast, as some of the music is quite tricky.

Richard suggested that a recording of the orchestral accompaniment would greatly enhance the production. He will arrange to cost the production of a tailor made recording so that it includes only the music we will use.

Judy suggested the University Music students may be interested in undertaking this project as a fund raiser for themselves.

Colin has agreed to produce the set.

Costumes need a co.ordinator.

Sound man to be approached…Howard.

Suggested that dancers from Otherworld be approached to play the courtesans.

It is suggested that all performances be set to include the audience seated at tables.

Adverts. It has been noted that Artworks Theatre and Story time have regular adverts in the local papers. Suggested that Forum be advertised alongside these adds for 2 months from the beginning of May.

Mozart: Thanks to Mark for the music available on the web.

Request for practice CDs for those unable to use the web. Andy agreed to look into doing this.

General Business: The lock on the door at Whittaker’s is very temperamental.

Richard to talk with Music Museum to arrange for WCS to pay to replace the lock.

Meeting closed at 6.25pm

Following the AGM :

It was agreed that Dee will undertake the treasure’s roll until Mark returns to Waiheke.

Andy will continue to collect subs.

New Signatories for the cheques need to be arranged with the bank.

Andy and Maya away 14 April – 3 May

Janet away 6- 27 April

Next Meeting: 4.00pm Sunday 11th April at Andy and Maya’s. bring a plate.