Meeting opened at 6.59pm

Apologies were received from Ann Janet Mark and Marion.

There was no correspondence and no financial report due to apologies from the secretary and Treasurer. M Judy S Richard P.U.

Matters arising from the minutes. Koha from Acappella to go to Whittakers to help with instrument purchases after expenses. $183.00 was raised.

A letter of thanks was received from Artworks for the $3000 donation. The cheque will be presented on Dec. 4th at a small ceremony. 6.30pm

Anu Grace has requested that the choir take part in Carols by Candlelight on Dec. 13th at Little O. Suggested that the choir enter singing a carol, then sing the Hallelujah Chorus.

A discussion on the Messiah was held. Only one performance will be held as it was thought better to have a full church than two half empty ones. Full concert dress to be worn. Richard is hoping to have an organ instead of just the piano to accompany us.

South Pacific. A rough draft has been drawn up by Philip and a budget suggested. Eight performances over two wekends with room for an extension if needed. Suggested date mid May. Chorus cast call to be held in two weeks. Philip to place ad in local newspaper. Tues Dec 9th for the first looksee of script and music, Tues Dec 9th 7.00pm at Artworks. Fifteen men and fifteen ladies will be required plus two children. Solos and minor parts to be chosen from the group in house instead of having lengthy auditions.

An extra rehearsal has been called for the Messiah for Sunday 16th Nov. at 4.00pm at Whittakers.

There being no more business to discuss the meeting closed at 6.39pm.

Next meeting 16th Nov after rehearsal at Whittakers.