Minutes of Production Sub-Committee Meeting held at Artworks on 3 Sep. 2007.


The meeting opened at 6.35.pm.

Present: Jack Watson (Chair), Jeanne Mellamphy, Barbara Cuff, Dee Austring, Anne Sutton, Marie Watson, Richard Melville, Steve Tysoe,  Maya Spence, Christine Hoffman, Ann Jocelyn


Apologies: Mark James, Andy Spence, Philip Symonds


Minutes of previous meeting were accepted. Steve/Marie Carried


Financial Report  to date for King and I  (attached) presented by Dee on behalf of Mark,  with additional information:

Not all sponsorship money has been received yet.

Receipts for reimbursement of costs to be presented to Mark this week.

Total Income from Bar to date  $2726.00

Minus costs                                     2014.00

Balance                                              712.00      

That the financial report be accepted  Dee/Marie    Carried.

General Business


That flowers and card be sent to Philip from Choral Society. Jeanne/Dee Carried



That at end of Final Performance of K&I, floral tributes be presented to all Principals. Richard/Dee Carried. Christine to organize.

Members of production Crew to be presented with small commemorative  gifts after show.

Children will be presented with certificates prepared by Dee and signed by King & Mrs. Anna and Co- Directors.


All costumes to be returned on last night of show, to be sorted, washed or dry cleaned. Hired and borrowed costumes to be returned. Remainder to be posted for sale on Trade Me and EBay. Proceeds to cover reimbursement for all costs incurred for costumes and, depending on funds available, some  recompense paid to Ann for her time.

After show arrangements.

Drinks and nibbles for cast after final show.

Clean up and shared lunch on Sunday morning, 11.00am

Choir Rehearsals.

First full choir rehearsal after show will be Tuesday 2 October.

A Cappella Tuesday 18 September.

That we continue to use Palm Beach Hall for rehearsals from 18 September Marie/Ann Carried

Next full committee meeting Tuesday 18 September, 7.30 Palm Beach Hall after A Cappella. Bring a plate.