The meeting opened at 7.40pm

Apologies were received from Ann Kilgour, Marie Watson Philip Symonds and Christine Hoffman.M. Andy, S Dee.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and amended as follows: Complimentary viewing of the show to be Sunday 12th Aug. M Barbara, S Mark P.U.

Correspondence :Card sent to Ann Kilgour who is in hospital.

Matters arising Full run through of the show Tues.7th at 6 00pm. Music only Fri. 10th Sunday 12th Full dress rehearsal, arrive at 12.00 for 1.00pm start

Jayne Rushton who was doing the make-up is now unable it so a workshop for the mothers will be held. Templates of the make-up will be available for the parents and other cast members who can help at 7.30pm on Friday 10th.

More posters and flyers are needed.

Lighting:Stan Edwards and Steve Tysoe have set the lights and cues for each scene Howard Tennant will run the lights. Stage is well lit and just needs tweaking and working on audio.

The gong has arrived and other percussion will be organised by Richard Dressing space has been allocated and hopefully there will be a roster of parents to look after the children, 3 to 4 each night. Suggest that children only be allowed to drink from sipper bottles to prevent spillage on to costumes.

Finance: Ticket sales going well ,Sponsorship $2150 Outgoing $4796.73.Banked $1170.

Outgoing: Stan set design,$370, Copy Espresso, $260,Jack. Sundry items $33.80 Steve, Set Design $202.81, Ballet props, $343.87, M. Andy, S. Dee, that all accounts be passed for payment. P.U.

As of 6.00pm Aug 6th. 275 tickets have been sold.

Artworks Users Meeting: with Fiona (Artworks Manager) Thursday 9/8.6.00 to 7.00pm Barbara and Jack will attend.

Fire Drill will be held 6.00pm immediately before the Tuesday rehearsal with Fiona.

Any other business.

Rebekah will understudy Ann Kilgour

Complimentary tickets to go to The press, Rosemary Adler , Julia Meek Teresa from Cut and Curl, Jean Sommerville, Wardrobe Helpers etc.

The Video Of the show is O.K Because we will be running the show a third weekend, and the theatre has been booked in between, there will be a possible refresher rehearsal on Sept. 2nd, at 1.00pm at Artworks with no costumes or make-up.

There being no more business to discuss the meeting closed at 9.00pm. This is the last meeting before the show. The next meeting will be a post production meeting, date to be advised.