Minutes of Meeting of Production Sub-Committee held at Artworks, Monday 23 July.

The meeting started at 6.10pm.

Present: Jack Watson, (Chair), Jeanne, Barbara, Marie, Richard, Maya, Mark, Steve, Dee, Colin, Ann S., Ann J. Phillip

Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were taken as read.

Amendment: The job of stage manager is being undertaken by Steve and Stan jointly.

Minutes, as amended, were confirmed. Marie/Colin

Business Arising

Discussion re need to convey to audience the passing of time in the show. The Co-Directors were of the opinion that this was unnecessary as there were several references to the time frame in dialogue throughout the play. The program notes also contain reference to the time frames.


Expenses currently within budget.

Colin reported that $1805.00 has been raised in cash from Sponsorship with a further $600.00 provided in Services. Colin was congratulated for his efforts in obtaining Sponsorship, as well as for designing and preparing posters, tickets and programs. 120 tickets have been printed for each performance.

Accounts for Payment

Deposit for Performing Rights $1680.00

Copy Expresso 60.60

Domain Name on Website 38.00

Mavis Buck for Costumes 225.00

Palm Beach Progr. Soc. Hall Hire 16.85

Colin Beardon for Materials 114.79

Jack Watson –Reimb. Flowers/Food 110.82

Barbara Cuff for Wigs and blocks 135.59

That accounts be approved for payment. Jeanne/Ann Carried

Balance in Bank after payment of above: $1625.00

Ticket Prices

Prices as in advertising.

That children under 5 be free unless occupying a seat - Ann/Colin Carried

That groups of 20 or more Seniors be charged $13.00 each. Barbara/Mark Carried.

Health and Safety.

Jack read email from Cheryl re Health and Safety Requirements. Drew attention to “Guidelines for Health and Safety in Entertainment Industry” under which a qualified Engineer is required to supervise any rigging. Steve is a qualified engineer who will be on site. He also offered to be responsible for ensuring Fire Safety requirements met.

Message to be forwarded to Fiona – Theatre Manager – to bring it to her attention and seek any further requirements.

Rehearsal Dates for last 3 weeks have been requested by cast. Dee will prepare and circulate.

To include schedule indicating which group of children required for each performance. All agreed that all children should be involved in Final Performance.

Ann to compile list of all those who have given their services voluntarily to help with costumes, hair etc.

Some discussion re complimentary tickets. To invite them to dress rehearsal on Wednesday 15th .


Media reps to be invited to preview on Sunday 10 1.00pm for publication before show opens.

Colin to liaise with Marketplace and Gulf News re advance publicity including photos 2 weeks before opening. Also to go in Gulf News “What’s On?”

Ann to provide schools with posters and flyers and ask them to include info. In their newsletters.

Rosemary Burns has also offered to distribute flyers.

Christine has made enquiries with ACC re Banner across street or outside Artworks. Not easy to get permission. Instead owner of a private property in Ocean View Road is willing to have sign on front lawn. Suggested that some used flats in theatre could be painted. Jack to feed back to Christine.

Andy has been interviewed about show on Beach Radio this week.


Rod Glendinning did not come to Rehearsal on Sunday. Concerns re his availability. Agreed that Phillip will talk to Rod and confirm his availability. Dee will also contact Aaron Paap and Elizabeth Alexander’s son who have some experience with possibility they could work with Rod and/ or be back-up if he is not available That Aaron Paap and ? Alexander be asked to assist with lighting Phillip/Jack Carried.

Other Matters

Maya expressed concerns re need for space and storage shelves/tables for masks, wigs and props as well as dressing space for children separate from adults in cast. Also need adults to supervise children backstage and assist with dressing.

Meeting closed at 7.30pm Next Committee/Sub-Committee mtg. Monday 6 August 6.00pm Artworks.