Minutes of Production Committee Meeting held at Palm Beach Hall 01/5/07

Present: Jack Watson (Chair), Richard Melville, Stan Edwards, Margaret Karetai, Jeanne Mellamphy, Andy Spence, Maya Spence, Marie Watson , Anne Sutton, Barbara Cuff, Phillip Symonds, Ann Jocelyn, Mike Karetai

Apologies: Colin Beardon, Pat Atkin

Pat Atkin has advised the Chairman that she wishes to resign from the Choral Society Committee and Production Committee. She is keen to continu singing with the choir for the “Richard, Mary and Friends” concert. Secretary to send a card of acknowledgement of her services to the committee.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Jeanne/Andy

Business Arising and other matters relating to The King and I


Mike Karetai advised the committee that for personal reasons he wished to withdraw from the role of King in the show and no longer wished to participate in the show in any other way. He apologised for any inconvenience caused. His withdrawal was accepted with regret. Discussion about implications of this deferred until later in meeting.

Accounts for payment:

Gulf News $65.03

Hall Hire for April $117.00

Origin Theatrical Royalties $242.00

That accounts be approved for payment Marie/Jeanne Carried

Artworks Bookings

Fiona McBride is the new manager of Artworks. Stan has met with her and booked the venue for the Dress Rehearsal. Any other rehearsals there are to be booked by Andy.


A Set Designer and Lighting Technician are needed for the Show. Phillip is willing to assist with both.


Barbara Cuff to advise Christine Hoffman to liaise with Andy re Props needed for the show.

Some will have to be made and will require assistance.Some parents of children in the show have advised they are willing to help – see lists.


Anne Sutton is seeking person willing/able to weld wire hoops for ball dresses. It was suggested that she contact the Head of Technology Dept at High School.


Parents needed to supervise children backstage. Dee Austring is to co-ordinate the timing of children’s appearances e.g. March of Siamese Children.

Cast/Director changes

Following the auditions, Marion Robertson has been selected for the role of Anna which she has accepted.

Andy Spence has agreed to replace Mike as King.

This means that he will not be able to continue in the role of Director. Richard is to discuss with Phillip (who had to leave meeting early) to what extent he would be able to take on a Directing role. Further discussion to follow.

Social Gathering

Sunday 6 May – Palm Beach Hall. Everyone involved in the Show, including parents of children in the show, to be invited.

Jack to book Hall – tentatively 2.00pm (since confirmed for 5.15pm)

Ann Jocelyn and Barbara to phone everyone on lists (in liaison with Marion Knight ) to invite them and in process to clarify which women are definitely committed to being ‘wives” in the show.

Last Tuesday night rehearsal Tuesday 27 May. Rehearsals will continue on Sun afternoons and Monday and Friday nights as in the Schedule.

Other matters on the Agenda deferred until later meeting.

Meeting closed at 8.00pm for Rehearsal.