Minutes of a Committee Meeting of the Waiheke Choral Society Held in the Palm Beach Hall on Tuesday 10th May 2005

Present: Jeanne Mellamphy (Chair), Pat Atkin, Jan McCartain, Marie Watson, Richard Melville, Phillip Symonds, Jack Watson.

Meeting opened at 6.08 p.m.

An Apology from Mark James was sustained. Jack/Pat.

Minutes of the Previous Committee Meeting (5th April 2005) were read by the secretary, and confirmed. Jeanne Mellamphy/Pat. These are on the Society’s website, but as this is maintained by Mark James, it will not be possible to post further minutes on the site during Mark’s absence overseas.

Correspondence was read by the secretaryletters of thanks for their long Committee service to Wendy Croucher and Lesley Smith, and a further letter to Wendy Croucher in reply to hers regarding clash of dates for a rehearsal of the Choral Society and the Festival singers. The only inward letter was from Wendy Croucher re the above. Moved Pat, seconded Jan McCartain that the inward correspondence be received and the outward approved. Carried.

Financial Report was not available, as it had yet to be picked up from Treasurer Mark James’ neighbour, (Mr? Mrs?) Hepburn, 13 McMillan Road, Rocky Bay (phone 7374), together with 300 concert tickets produced by Mark, and some other items. The wording on the tickets is “Waiheke Choral Society presents a Variety Concert.”

General Business: The Award Badges will soon be ready, and they are to be presented at the Concert. Lesley Smith’s Post Office Box Key has not yet found its way to Jack; it will probably be appropriate to have one or two more cut. The change of signatures for operation of the ASB account has been done.

Forthcoming Concert: Richard asked when the advertisements were to be placed and it was agreed that this would be three weeks and two weeks before the concert. Posters are to go up at least ten days before. It was also agreed that a sponsor be sought for supply of biscuits for the Concert—Woolworths, The Palm Beach Shop and Waiheke Goodies to be approached. Each Choir member is to be asked to sell six tickets. Discussion followed on the price of the tickets, with the objective of achieving the best balance between profitability and number of patrons. It was moved by Jeanne Mellamphy and seconded pro forma by Jack that this remain at $15.00 each and half price for children. Phillip then moved an amendment that the prices be $15.00 for adults, $10.00 for seniors and the unwaged and half price for children. This was seconded by Jeanne Mellamphy, and carried. Put as the motion, it was again carried.

The Midwinter Function for Members, to be known as the “Solstice Soirée” was discussed. The venue is the Onetangi Hall (now booked), the date 21st June 2005, and members are to be asked to come at 6.30 p.m. for 7.00 p.m., finishing at 9.00 p.m. Members are to “bring a plate” and an item. Sing-along sheets are to be produced for community singing during the programme.

Presentation for Artistes at the Forthcoming Concert. It was agreed that, having regard to financial considerations, flowers would not be presented to the soloists on this occasion, but that the pianist/s should get flowers, and also our Conductor, Richard. (Possibly a bottle of wine would be more appropriate for him?) Jan McCartain is to see “Lotta” re supply of the flowers, possibly sheaths rather than a formal arrangement. This was moved by Jack, seconded by Phillip, and carried.

Next meeting is to be at 6.00 p.m. on Tuesday 7th June, in the Palm Beach Hall.

Meeting closed at 7.04 p.m.