Minutes of a Committee Meeting of the Waiheke Choral Society Held in the Palm Beach Hall on Tuesday 5th April 2005

Present: Jeanne Mellamphy (Chair), Jan McCartain, Pat Atkin, Richard Melville, Phillip Symonds, Marie Watson, Jack Watson.

Meeting opened at 6.05 p.m. There were no apologies.

Minutes of the recent Annual Meeting were read while fresh in everyone’s minds, in case corrections were required. None needed.

Minutes of the previous committee meeting (November 9th. 2004) were read and confirmed. Phillip/Richard.

Business Arising: A committee meeting arranged at Phillip’s home was cancelled, as the Committee felt there was no need, in the event, to hold it.

Vonny Maguire had been very helpful in lending music in the past, but it must be remembered that she is no longer on the Island.

Three Award Achiever badges have been ordered for the Life Members This includes a new one for Kit Nelson, so that all three will have badges of the same design.

Christmas Function: The tablecloth paper was cancelled, as cost came in at $50.00 per roll. Lesley Smith obtained the ham, and everyone brought a plate.

Lesley’s shed has been demolished, so a lot of Choral Society stuff stored in it (much of this in poor condition) may have to go. There is nothing now stored at Mrs. Bunn’s.

Correspondence: There was none to be read, but Jan McCartain has obtained a quote for painting of a sign to go with those of the other users of the Palm Beach Hall (at the outside front of the Hall) of $25.00. That this be ordered was moved by Pat, seconded by Marie and carried. Letters of thanks for their long service on the Committee are to go from the secretary to Lesley Smith and Wendy Croucher. Both ladies have now retired from the Committee.

Financial Report: None at this time, as Mark James was not able to be present at the meeting.

The following vacant positions were filled: Musical Director: Richard Melville. Moved Pat, seconded Jan McC., and carried unanimously. Vice President: Phillip Symonds, moved Jeanne M., seconded Marie, and carried unanimously. Auditors: Harrop and Hargreaves, subject to their acceptance. Temporary Treasurer, as Mark will be away in May, June and July: Phillip Symonds was unanimously elected, on the motion of Jack, seconded by Pat.

Keys to the Post Office Box (P.O. Box 333, Oneroa, Waiheke Island) are at present held by Mark and Lesley. Lesley’s key is to be given to Jack. Signatories for the Society’s Cheques are to be President, Treasurer and Secretary. (Any two of the three.) The whereabouts of the Club Seal are not known, and it may be necessary to get another.

Forthcoming Concert: After some discussion, and two visits to the Hall Booking Person by Jan McCartain, the concert dates were finalised as follows:

Saturday 11th June at 7.30 p.m., and Sunday 12th June at 2.00 p.m. Venue for both to be the Palm Beach Hall. On the suggestion of Jan McC. it was decided to hold a Sunday Workshop (basically a practice!) in the Palm Beach Hall on Sunday 15th. May at 2.00 p.m. Hall has been booked for these dates. Concert Tickets are to cost $15.00 per person, this to include a cup of tea and biscuits. Choir members are to be asked to sell 4 tickets each in advance, and tickets are also to be available at the door. Mark James is to be asked to produce the tickets. Clothing for the Concert to be black skirts/trousers with white blouses/shirts, and coloured ties for the men. Concert publicity and Advertising: Posters and advertisements in the Gulf News and Waiheke Marketplace. Richard has offered to take care of this, also production of the programmes. Rehearsals will continue on Tuesdays. Production Team is to be the Committee. Concert Budget is to be $500.00.

Refreshments are to be arranged by the Committee. It was agreed that the above arrangements are all in line with the Code of Practice.

That the arrangements for the Concert as outlined above be agreed to was moved by Jeanne M. and seconded by Jan McC. Carried unanimously.

Minutes of Committee Meetings are to be made available to any Society member wishing to peruse them. All Committee members to be posted a copy on their completion by the Secretary.

Moved Jan McC., seconded Jack, that the following arrangements be approved for the World War Two Revue scheduled for later in the year. A Saturday night and Sunday afternoon in the Ostend Hall. Musical Director to be Richard. A sub-committee to choose the music consisting of Richard, Phillip and a third member of Richard’s choosing. Carried unanimously.

Next Committee Meeting to be on Tuesday 10th May at 6.00 p.m. in the Palm Beach Hall.

Meeting Closed at 7.30 p.m.