The meeting opened at 6.10pm when we had a quoram

There were no apologies

Present Richard, Philip, Barbara, Wendy, Mark, Jeanne.

Absent. Lesley, Sylvia, George.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unavailable.

Matters arising from committee members notes and memory.

Linda Deverall re. Christmas Carols Linda would like all Island Choirs to perform in the Catholic Church, But after some discussion the committee thought that the school hall would be a better venue because of room. We have several choirs on the Island, Sing Waiheke,Sister Shout, Choral Society and the Primary school childrens choir, plus the orchestra. It was decided to discuss it further with Linda Deverall. Richard to action.

The music has all been returned and disposed of and Pat’s garage has been cleared. this seems to obviate the need for a music shed. But that will go on a future agenda for further discussion.

Mark accesed information re grants

Correspondence Inward.

Letters received from Creative Community Scheme, ASB.Trusts annual public meeting.

Letters of resignation from George Blanchard and Fiona McBride.

Discussion. Creative Community Scheme [Events] Meeting to be held in Surfdale Hall July 20th on how to apply for grants. Mark to attend and complete an application form for WW2 Anniversary concert in May 2005.ASB Trusts annual public meeting 26thJuly at NZI Convention Centre. Mark to attend.

Resignations were accepted and a letter of thanks to go to George thanking him for his past work.

It was decided at this point that a Minute Secretary was needed and it was Moved by Mark and Seconded by Philip that Jeanne Mellamphy be the Minute Secretary P.U. Richard to check with Sylvia if she was happier with this arrangement.

Outward Correspondence Letter to go to George Blanchard accepting his resignation and thanking him for his work.

Treasurers Report. Mark tabled June and July reports . July In, nil. Out, $32.55, Current balance $1570.18. M. Philip S. Barbara P.U. Philip reported that the Koha tin was paying for tea, coffee, biscuits and heating.

General Business. Yule Foolery. A few song books needed for some community singing. Items are being accepted. Everyone to bring a plate, Lesley to bring the wine 7pm to 9.30pm. Jeanne to set up the tables in the hall at 2.30pm.

There has been much discussion on events on the Island clashing with other organisations activities. Barbara agreed to see whether there is a diary of events and/or the possibility of setting one up. Rod Glendenning offered his services unofficially to do the lighting in MORRA hall concert at no charge. Richard to phone him to confirm his offer.The Code of Practice was printed out and given to committee for future use and referral.

Any other business We had a lively discussion on the WW2 concert for next year. Ideas were flowing freely including some outrageous ones. It was decided to have a Revue based on the Music Hall concept e.g, Take place in an imaginary air raid shelter with relative sound effects. Sell Tables, tickets to be ration book. Catering etc. Dates to be included in MORRA hall programme .

There being no more business to discuss the meeting ended on a high note at 7.30pm. Next meeting St. Pauls Church 6pm Monday August 16th.