Waiheke Island Choral Society, Inc.

Minutes of Annual General Meeting Held at Palm Beach Hall on

14th March 2006

The meeting opened at 7.40 p.m., with Jeanne Mellamphy in the Chair, and 29 members present.

Apologies were received from Freda Blanchard, Alison Edwards, Pat Sullivan and Andy Spence. These were sustained on the motion of Pat Atkin, seconded by Janis McCartain.

Minutes of the previous AGM (22nd. March 2005) were read, and confirmed on the motion of Pat Atkin, seconded by Janis McCartain.

Business Arising: The overhaul of the Constitution was deferred to be dealt with in General Business.

Correspondence: The only item was an inward communication advertising Broadway shows. This was received on the motion of Jack Watson, seconded by Marie Watson.

President’s Report: A very full report (copy attached) was read by the President. That this be received was moved by Jack Watson, seconded by Dee Austring and carried unanimously (with acclamation).

Musical Director’s Report: Richard Melville gave this verbally. He thanked all Choir and Society members (including the Committee) for their hard work during the year, and made mention of Marion Robertson (accompanist), Kit Nelson (relief accompanist) for the great job they have done, and Richard’s wife Mary, who as well as singing with the Choir gives him unfailing support, much of it “behind the scenes.” He mentioned the great success of “Last Tango in Little Oneroa,” and the fact that 2006 marks thirty continuous years in the life of the Society. Richard thanked Jeanne Mellamphy for the huge support she has given him, and for her running of an outstandingly efficient committee. Richard also thanked secretary Jack Watson, and also treasurer Mark James, and Philip Symonds, who looked after the finances during the months Mark was overseas. Musically, we have done well, and the Choir is in good shape, although more basses would be welcome. Richard concluded by saying that he has really enjoyed the year. Mark James moved and Pat Atkin seconded the acceptance of the Report, and this was carried unanimously and with acclamation.

Financial Report (attached) was given by Treasurer Mark James. He mentioned that the finances were in a stronger position than last year, due to the profitable concerts, on which he congratulated the Society. However, subscriptions were down, due to fewer members. Costs of advertising were down (Advertising for “Orpheus in Britomart” [in the event not performed] had been a heavy item in the previous year). Mark mentioned the considerable costs of photocopying, mostly carried by Richard, we think. The report was accepted unanimously, and with acclamation, on the motion of Jeanne Mellamphy, seconded Jill Tetley. Mark also pointed out that, as a non-profit organisation, the Society is not able to show a profit of more than $1,000-00 per year without paying tax—something to bear in mind.

Election of Officers: Jeanne Mellamphy stepped down for this, and Philip Symonds took the Chair. Jeanne was nominated for re-election as President by Richard Melville and seconded by Margaret Karetai, and as this was the only nomination received, Jeanne was elected unopposed. Secretary: Margaret Karetai nominated Jack Watson, seconded by Mary Melville. As there were no further nominations, Jack was elected unopposed. Treasurer: Mark James was nominated by Dee Austring, seconded by Janis McCartain. Again, there were no further nominations, and Mark was therefore re-elected.

Committee: Marie Watson, Janis McCartain, Pat Atkin and Philip Symonds were all available for re-election, and also, Andy Spence had signified his willingness to stand. Jeanne Mellamphy (as Chair) moved that no further nominations be taken (carried) and as this number of committee members was within the maximum required, they were elected en bloc and unopposed.

Patron: On the motion of Mark James, seconded by Janis McCartain, George Hudson was re-elected, subject to his re-acceptance. The secretary is to write to him, and in doing so, thank him for his continuing and generous support.

Auditors: Harrop & Hargreave, on the motion of Jeanne Mellamphy from the Chair. Carried.

General Business: The committee decided at their last meeting to hold the subscription to $30.00 per annum per member. When all subscriptions are in, an up-to-date phone list is to be prepared

Constitution: There was considerable discussion about this, and it was moved by Richard Melville, seconded by Jeanne Mellamphy that the late Alan Boghurst’s suggestions, with some further amendments, are to be put to a Special General Meeting to be held at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday 21st March 2006. Carried unanimously. The amendments added at the AGM were firstly Section 3 MEMBERSHIP, paragraph (iv) Delete all wording in this paragraph, and replace with the words “The Committee at its discretion may reduce individual subscriptions.” This amendment was moved by Dee Austring, and seconded by Janis McCartain. Carried. The second amendment was to Section 5, MEETINGS, paragraph (iv). Delete all wording in this paragraph and replace with the words: “The persons entitled to attend and vote at General Meetings shall all be Ordinary and Life members of the Society.” This amendment was moved by Mark James, seconded by Pat Atkin. Carried.

Meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.