Waiheke Choral Society Inc.

Minutes of Annual General Meeting Held at Palm Beach Hall on 22nd March 2005

Meeting opened at 7.40 p.m.

Present: 30 financial members and no observers.

The following Apologies were sustained on the motion of Pat Atkin, seconded by Andy Spence: Sylvia and Ron Jamieson, Marian Robertson and Peter Davies.

Minutes of the last AGM were read and confirmed. J.Mellamphy/J.Tetley.

Business Arising: J.Watson complimented Wendy Croucher for her clear and concise AGM minutes. There were no items of business arising from them.

President’s and Musical Director’s Report: As these two positions were held by Richard Melville, he gave a double report. He paid tribute to Russell Croucher and Graham Pullen, both long serving Choir members who had passed away. He also reported on the work the Committee had done, and a musical report which included a concert at MORRA Hall, Christmas Songs and Carols performed at Seaside Sanctuary and Carols by Candle light at St. Peter’s Church. Adoption of this report, and also that Life Membership be given to Alan and Eileen Boghurst, and flowers presented to J. Mellamphy, K.Nelson and M. Robertson in recognition of their work with the Choir was moved by R. Melville, seconded by P.Atkin and carried unanimously.

Financial Report was presented by Treasurer Mark James. Will not be Audited until late April, but accepted subject to audit on the motion of M.James, seconded by R. Melville. Carried unanimously. Business Arising: That subscriptions remain the same. Moved R.Melville, Seconded A.Boghurst and carried unanimously.

Election of Officers:

President: J.Mellamphy. R.Melville/J.Tetley

Secretary: J.Watson M.Watson/J.McCartain

Treasurer: M.James J.Mellamphy/W.;lCroucher

Committee: Marie Watson J.Mellamphy/J.McCartain

Jan McCartain D.Austring/J.Tetley

Philip Symonds R.Melville/A.Spence

Pat Atkin J.Mellamphy/P.Symonds

No further nominations were received, and as this was the required number for the Committee, the above people were duly elected.

General Business: A discussion on the Constitution followed. It was decided that a special meeting be held in three months time for further discussion and ratification. Moved J.Mellamphy, seconded J.Watson and carried.

There being no further business, Meeting Closed at 8.20 p.m.